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12-15-09 Amended
Minutes of December 15, 2009 - AMENDED

The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 2009
in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Mitchell Bolinsky, Wes Thompson, Ted Kreinik, Donald Sharpe, Robert Morey and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  Martha LaMarche, (Catherine Adsitt and David Howard have resigned)

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development

1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes – Mr. Sharpe motioned to approve the minutes of November 17, 2009.  Mr. Bolinsky seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

3.      Public Participation – No members of the public were present.
4.      Reports

a.      Director, Economics and Community Development –Ms. Stocker discussed a memo she received from the First Selectman regarding the CIP and noted that the Board of Selectmen’s meeting is on December 21st.  She noted three projects on the list; (1) The Tech Park (not bonding); (2) Sandy Hook Center Street Scape and Water Project; and (3) Curb Cut, Planning & Zoning.

b.      Subcommittee Reports

  • Business Advocacy/Retention (Sharpe, Morey) – The committee discussed the Chamber’s proposal to have the regional seminars on business development (scheduled for January 6th) at “My Place” restaurant  It was noted that Ridgefield had a successful panel discussion where world renown economists and consultants shared information.  It was suggested to have representatives from larger companies in Newtown speak at the function.  Everyone was encouraged to get to know the business owners in Newtown.  Mr. Rau said that it is crucial to develop relationships with other commissions and to work together.
  • Maximization of Potential Sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinsky, Sharpe, Kreinik) –  Ms. Stocker says that there is no static information on the website and agreed to review the site’s contents.  The commission discussed options of who can help with updating the website.  
  • Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural Businesses (Thompson, Morey) – Mr. Thompson said that although the Farmers’ Market is ready to move to the Middle School, they still need approval from the school board.  He also discussed a meeting he had with members of the Conservation Commission and Land Use Agency regarding a tax abatement program.
iv.     Alternative Energy - Tech Park (Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) –

v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing Aids (LaMarche, Thompson) – Ms. Stocker recommended and the commission agreed that the EDC explore Loop Net as an alternative web based property listing service as CERC Site Funder continues to be unreliable.  The Fairfield Hills Authority will discuss the option for involving a commercial broker with the Fairfield Hills campus at their December 16, 2009 meeting.  Mr. Thompson is taking the lead and working on the CGI video.

5.      Old Business

  • 2010 Objectives / Work Programs – Mr. Rau distributed a list of EDC Objectives for the committee to review.  A fifth item was added, #5, Strategic Plan for Economic Development (Ridgefield). The members agreed to tighten the focus on the EDC objectives by dropping the alternative energy subcommittee.  In addition, the towns strategic plans for EDC is yet to be developed and hiring a consultant to help with this was discussed.  
  • Budget 2010-2011 – The commission discussed the addition of $3,500 in the budget for the marketing of Fairfield Hills property.
  • New Business
  • Election of Officers for 2010 - The following offers were approved unanimously as officers:  Bob Rau as Chair, Mitch Bolinsky as Vice Chair and Martha (Marty) LaMarche as Secretary.
  • Commission Vacancies – The board discussed the filling in of vacant positions within the committee.
        c.      The 2010 schedule was approved with the addition of the January 18th 2011 meeting.

  • Adjournment – The commission adjourn at 10:00 pm.  
Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk